Ordination to Priesthood (an outline of the ceremony)

OUTLINE OF THE CEREMONY during which a Deacon is ordained a Priest




  • Calling of the Candidate
  • Presentation of the Candidate
  • Election by the Bishop and Consent of the People
  • Homily and Instruction
  • Examination of the Ordinand
  • Promise of Obedience
  • Invitation to Prayer
  • Litany of the Saints
  • Laying on of Hands (By Bishop and priests)
  • Prayer of Consecration
  • Investiture of Stole and Chasuble
  • Anointing of Hands
  • Presentation of Gifts
  • Kiss of Peace (By Bishop and priests)



Ordination of Sean Crowley on June 1st

Our parish makes history next Saturday when Sean Crowley, Hollyhill, Balli- neen, will be ordained a priest in our parish church.

It is a special blessing for Sean, his family, relatives and friends, as well as for our parish and our diocese. Sean will serve as a priest in our diocese.

The Ordination by Bishop Buckley takes place during a concelebrated Mass. In some respects, the liturgy resembles a marriage ceremony — in that the Rite of Ordination happens between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

A few practical things:-

  • Parking in the church grounds will be reserved for Sean’s family and people with limited mobility. St. Mary’s car park will be open. Parking is also available in the car park between the church and the school and — weather permitting — in the field beside the school.
  • The seats in the front half of the church (200 places) will be reserved for Sean’s family, relatives and concelebrants. The main aisle will be seated on a first-come basis (200 places).
  • There will also be seating in a marquee (approx 120 chairs) beside the church where the ceremony will be relayed on TVs.
  • The ceremony will also be relayed on the internet so that anyone with access to the internet, in any part of the world, can tune in. The link is:-