Welcome back!
As Covid-19 restrictions are eased, Enniskeane Parish welcomes congregations back from Monday May 10th. This short video tells you what you need to know.
As Covid-19 restrictions are eased, Enniskeane Parish welcomes congregations back from Monday May 10th. This short video tells you what you need to know.
Congratulations to the children from St. Mary’s School, Enniskeane and from Ballymoney NS who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday in Enniskeane Church.
May the light of Christ be with them all the days of their lives.
Congratulations and every blessing to Aoife O’Sullivan, Riverview Drive, Ballineen and Derek Power, Co Waterford who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage at Enniskeane Church on Saturday 19th of September.
From July 4th, we will have Mass for the weekend in Enniskeane church with a congregation. However, restrictions apply and we are limited to 50 people per Mass.
Saturday evening’s Mass is at 7.30pm
Sunday Mass is at 11am — and this Mass will be broadcast live on the parish Facebook Page.
We also have weekday morning Mass at 10 am on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri.
Please have a look at this short video for more information.
Places where people may sit will be marked in the church
We are preparing to have a congregation at our Masses in Enniskeane Church from Monday June 29th.
There will be less space due to required distancing between people from different households. People who live in the one household may sit together. Children of all ages are welcome.
Places where people can sit will be marked.
New rotas are being prepared and circulated for Stewards, Ministers of the Word, Ministers of the Eucharist, altar servers (2 at each Mass), Prayer of the Faithful readers, collectors (at the doors at end of Mass), sacristans, church cleaners, and the many people who make our liturgies a living experience of the love of God.
Our first weekend Masses with a congregation will be Sat July 4th at 7.30pm and Sunday July 5th at 11am.
If you are in any doubt about coming to church while restrictions still apply, be assured that it’s ok to stay at home and pray with us from there.
Mass with a congregation from Monday June 29th in Enniskeane Church
Following government and NPHET guidance, churches will be able to open for Mass and other sacraments from Monday June 29th. However, restrictions and conditions apply.
Each parish has been asked by Bishop Fintan to assemble a group to guide and support our preparations. Thanks to the people who have offered to help guide the re-opening of Enniskeane parish church for Mass.
They are: Mike Burgoyne, John Coffey, JJ Barrett, Nora Bradfield, Tess Chambers, Joan Collins, Frances Keohane, Carena McCarthy, Colette O’Regan Walsh, Hilary O’Riordan.
There is also a group of volunteers helping to sanitise the churches across the parish each day they are open.
We will open our churches with:
Because we must have social distancing the capacity of the church is much reduced because only one in every three of the 50 pews will be occupied.
We will continue to broadcast Mass on Facebook Live on Sundays at 11am.
People who are vulnerable or unsure about coming to Sunday Mass are assured that they can join in prayer from home. They can also come to a weekday Mass instead.
Monday 29th at 10am — the first weekday Mass will be celebrated in Enniskeane with a congregation.
On weekends, we have Mass following our summer schedule, i.e. Saturday evenings at 7.30pm and on Sunday at 11am.
Everyone will be welcome. We will do everything we can to make that our churches are clean and safe. Our parish together is working together to make this happen.
We look forward to meeting one another in Communion with us and the Lord again.