Station Masses Autumn 2019

It’s time to plan and pray our Autumn Station Masses in the parish.

The first Station Mass is on this Friday August 23rd at the home of Maureen Walsh for Kilmoylerane, Maulrour, Killeens and Crohane. (Please note that this Mass is at 6pm.)

Others that are arranged so far:-

  • Sept 5th at 12n: John and Mary T Crowley, Hollyhill;
  • Sept 6th at 7.30pm: Brian and Liz Coomey, Ballyvoige;
  • Sept 20th at 7.30pm: Margaret Hurley, Aherlick;
  • Sept 27th at 7.30pm: Sheila O’Neill, Ballinard;
  • Oct 11th at 7.30pm; Tim and Mary Coffey, Shanaway;
  • Oct 18th at 7.30pm: Con and Aileen McCarthy, Derrimilleen;

If you’d like to arrange the date and time for your Station Mass (or to inquire if there one planned for your area), please contact the parish office.